Whenever I meet with a client, I always ask them this question. Where do you want to work? I continue to be amazed at the blank stares I get as an answer.


I feel like so many people search for jobs on indeed.com, they’ve forgotten they can be intentional about where they want to work and why. Most people are sitting in front of a screen waiting for their dream job to just appear. There is a better way.


Start with issues facing the world today that you care about. It could be anything from deforestation in the Amazon to restoring Cadillacs to becoming the best athletic coach. Your first step is to identify issues, interests you have, and challenges that you would want to contribute to. Find things that spark your energy, when you think about them, you become excited. This is how you find meaning in the work that you do. Not sure? That’s okay, just be on the lookout. Pay attention the next time you talk to someone, watch a video or read an article that energizes you. Start there.

Find out who’s already working on this issue.

Try and identify 3 – 5 organizations that are connected to this issue – think government, private companies, or non-profits. What are some of the positions they hire for? Look at employee profiles for these organizations on LinkedIn. Identify positions you might be interested in applying to.

Connect and apply.

Follow the organizations social media channels so you can stay up to date on new initiatives, products or solutions they are creating. See quickly when they are posting jobs.
Find connections on LinkedIn to the organization. Try to set up a chat by phone or meet up for coffee. What do you have to lose? Just give it a try.
Apply if/when a position comes available. Even if they don’t have something right away, odds are the position you want will come along eventually. Create your own serendipitous moment.